lunedì 14 aprile 2014

Spring the cake

I can't believe, the sun is shining, the spring is finally arrived and I feel very happy. It's time to start eating healthier, more veggies, more fruit and forget sugar and sweets. If you don't want to completely give up sweets, here a simple recipe for a homemade cake that you can eat for breakfast or with your afternoon tea. It doesn't contain lots of sugar and is really tasty.

300g plain flour (or you can mix 200g of plain flour and 100g of corn starch to obtain a softer cake)
200g of sugar
100g of butter at room temperature (or olive oil)
3 eggs           

2 tablespoon of cocoa
16g of yeast
few drops of vanilla extract

Put the 3 whole eggs and the sugar in a large bowl and with a hand mixer start to blend. Then add the butter (or the olive oil) and continue to mix. Meanwhile put in another bowl through a sieve the flour and do the same with the corn starch and the yeast, putting them in the same bowl with the flour and mix.
Add in the mixture of sugar, butter and eggs few drops of vanilla extract, then mix with the flour and yeast and stir from the bottom upwards for few minutes. Divided the mixture in two part and in one add the cocoa through a sieve and mix. When the mixture will be smooth and homogeneous will be ready to go in the oven. So pre-heat the oven to 180° and meanwhile grease and flour a baking tin. I used  a cake ring, that is the tin that makes cakes with a hole in the middle. Put in the tin the white part and then the black one. Bake for 30 minutes approximately and try with a toothpick if is dry inside. If is still wet let in the oven for other few minutes.
You can serve the black and white cake with icing sugar on the top.

Enjoy your breakfast with a slice of this cake, an orange juice and a bowl of mixed fruit! 

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